Category Archives for G4S

The Dark Reality of Britain’s Privatised Immigration System

The Dark Reality of Britain’s Privatised Immigration System

In July radical Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein came to meet members of South Yorkshire Stop G4S in Sheffield. We had lots to talk about: amongst many other things Antony has been looking at the role…
Tell Sheffield Council on October 1st: No more public money for G4S in Sheffield

Tell Sheffield Council on October 1st: No more public money for G4S in Sheffield

Update 23rd September: Confirmed that South Yorkshire Stop G4S will resubmit the petition calling for Sheffield City Council to refuse to make contracts with G4S or other companies guilty of “grave misconduct” and will address…
Don’t Do Business with G4S – Lobby Sheffield City Council 2nd July 1pm

Don’t Do Business with G4S – Lobby Sheffield City Council 2nd July 1pm

South Yorkshire Stop G4S will be lobbying the next meeting of Sheffield City Council at the Town Hall on Wednesday 2nd July to tell them “Dont Do Business With G4S”.   Any public body, including councils can exclude…
It’s official. G4S and Serco asylum housing: “unacceptably poor”

It’s official. G4S and Serco asylum housing: “unacceptably poor”

Another Parliamentary Committee, another damning report on the disaster that is privatised asylum housing. SYMAAG’s John Grayson looks at the latest report from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on 24 April and the lessons from…
UK Watchdog Takes Another Bite Out of Failing Outsourcer G4S

UK Watchdog Takes Another Bite Out of Failing Outsourcer G4S

February was a particularly bad month for G4S. At Manus Island, an Australian detention centre for people seeking asylum, the G4S guards were accused of allowing the murder of one detainee, Reza Barati, and of injuring dozens…
As another report condemns G4S asylum housing, National Stop G4S meeting announced…

As another report condemns G4S asylum housing, National Stop G4S meeting announced…

Latest news: On February 5th the Public Accounts Committee questioned G4S and Serco about their failure to provide asylum housing fit for human beings to live in. And why it could cost us up to £1.5billion public…
Rats in the “asylum market”: Time to cancel the COMPASS contract

Rats in the “asylum market”: Time to cancel the COMPASS contract

On November 8 three G4S immigration detention centre officials at Brook House were found to have forged documents relating to an asylum seeker who was about to be deported. It could have cost the man…
After Jimmy Mubenga unlawful killing verdict: Could asylum seekers have a worse landlord than G4S?

After Jimmy Mubenga unlawful killing verdict: Could asylum seekers have a worse landlord than G4S?

Our campaign against G4S housing people seeking asylum began in January 2012 when a Zimbabwean member of SYMAAG said: “I don’t want a prison guard as my landlord”. Jimmy Mubenga’s inquest recently returned a verdict of…
G4S Called to Account Over Asylum Housing Disaster

G4S Called to Account Over Asylum Housing Disaster

G4S and Serco executives are having to account for their abuse of asylum seekers (and the tax payer) for their disastrous provision of asylum housing as part of the COMPASS contract. They were summoned to…
COMPASS Asylum Housing Contracts: “Crude Price Cutting”. 2 Investigations Underway

COMPASS Asylum Housing Contracts: “Crude Price Cutting”. 2 Investigations Underway

The disastrous COMPASS asylum housing contracts, including the regions contracted to G4S, are being investigated by Home Affairs Committee’s Inquiry into Asylum. Confirmation that “scrutiny of the COMPASS contract will certainly form part of our…