Justice for Simba – End the Hostile Environment. Sheffield November 20
Simba Mujakachi, his father Victor and many other Zimbabweans living in Sheffield were threatened with deportation earlier this year. A huge campaign successfully defended them, securing the release of Victor and others from Morton Hall detention centre and halting the Home Office’s deportation plans.
The Home Office deliberately put pressure on the Zimbabwean community, with the prospect of deportation to a Zimbabwe still persecuting those protesting against the military dictatorship. Some people, like Marian Machekanyanga from SYMAAG, were interrogated by a Zimbabwean Embassy official at Vulcan House, invited by the Home Office.
During this incredibly stressful time Simba – a 30 year old fitness instructor – experienced a life-threatening stroke, which left him partially paralysed. Though he had no income he was charged over £100,000 by the NHS for the care he needed to save his life.
Simba’s case is not an isolated one – it’s a result of the hostile environment policy which denies people in our community the services and resources they need to live.
South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group, Migrants Organise, ASSIST Sheffield, Medact Docs Not Cops invite you to a very important and urgent public meeting to launch the Justice for Simba Campaign Wednesday 20th November 7-9pm Victoria Hall Sheffield S1 2JB
We will hear from Simba himself and from his father Victor, talking about how we can build a solidarity campaign.
We will also be joined by:
Marian Machekanyanga – South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group
Sarli Nana – Yorkshire & Humber Organiser, Migrants Organise
Aliya Yule – Access to Healthcare Organiser, Migrants Organise
Dr Sophie – Docs Not Cops
James Skinner – Medact
James Skinner – Medact

We have also invited General Election candidates from the main political parties in Sheffield to respond to Simba’s experience of the hostile environment. We want them to tell us how they would end the hostile environment policy and answer your questions about how their parties will support the rights of people seeking asylum. It’s your chance to question and hold them to account.
We will hear about the impact of the hostile environment and together work to end to these policies. This will include a voter registration drive, as part of the Promote the Migrant Vote campaign, to support local communities to register and vote for the general election on December 12th.
Downloadable flyer Simbameeting (1) Justice for Simba Facebook event page here
Please come and show your support for Simba, his family and all the people suffering under the hostile environment, and to learn more about how we can win Justice for Simba, and end the hostile environment.